Openshift works really nice, but there are some tricks you need to know to make it work as it should
- rake needs to be set up to '~> 0.9.6' for it to work (is the one in the environment)
- rack has to be '1.5.2'
I could leave with it, but a recent deployment was failing after updating the database for no reason at all during the migration (a migration I had tested locally).
I started looking around the Internet to fix the error, doing a rake db:reset, my application is in the final steps but it is not ready yet so I don't mind deleting the databse, and I discovered that I could in fact update rake
rhc ssh application
cd app-roo/runtime/repo
gem update rake
So I updated my Gemfile with the new rake, commited and pushed
It failed....
My migration was not set up properly, I was using a change_column_default and from: and to: were not working. So I fixed it, and now I have a rake that is updated...
But I couldn't access the console...
I found the solution and posted here: |
A change in the Gemfile and a couple of gem installs were needed.