Friday 20 November 2015

Some useful addresses

This sprint we have really advanced quickly, now we are able to do tier rating (almost), choose currencies (almost), we have changed the way rating is selected, and prepared the interface for the next steps. So with this sprint we will have the interface in a status that will be the base line, what is done today, but some good tier rating and all done in a more sensible way.

Results are good, but we are still learning the craft, there are too many small details that change how things are seen and done.

We need to migrate to patternfly (, and use haml
We need to improve our tests. For some extrange reasons we go straight to code instead of going through testing first, and then things break down... Perhaps because rspec and capybara are great, but defining your tests with them is not so obvious.

For instance, I am still working to know where are described the contexts of capybara, as you can't access all the methods from all they test types... And all of us need to revisit patternfly.

And we need to polish the way we work, basically.

We are getting there.

Next: we are now adding new functionality beyond rating, we will be focusing on adding some capabilites to the exiting paradigm, just before we change things internally.

It is being fun
